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Now it's official: We are the smartnap UG (haftungsbeschränkt)!

As of today, we are a company registered in the Commercial Register. Follow us on all channels to not miss anything!

We have an account on LinkedIn

Since recently we have a LinkedIn account. Network with us!

Gründerstipendium NRW

We have received the Gründerstipendium.NRW! We thank for the helpful support of the state of NRW.

Become a tester and secure one of the limited places!

You want to apply for a pre-registration? Then sign up in our contact form on the home page!

In the top 20 at start2grow Wirtschaftsförderung Dortmund

In this year's start2grow competition, we made it into the top 20 out of 300 participants and 80 business plans submitted.

We have a new Instagram account

If you want to stay up to date, follow us on Instagram!

1st place at changes.AWARD 2019

First place goes to the team "Brainixx" (now Smartnap) from the Immanuel-Kant-Gymnasium in Heiligenhaus: Learning while sleeping - with the Brainixx idea, this can become a reality, because previously recorded content is conveyed via headphones using an app and a heart rate monitor during the deep sleep phase. The team can look forward to a trip to Tokyo, Japan!

Business Class Contest won!

We prevailed against several teams from different schools in NRW and were able to score points with our business idea and inspire the audience!
